更新バージョン |
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更新内容 |
Ver. 6.38→ Ver. 6.39 |
2015/09/18 |

Add function
- No.1 It supported about MECHATROLINK-III Communications References Wild Card Stepping Motor Drive.
- No.2 It supported about MECHATROLINK-II Communications References Multi Winding Unit JUSP-MD∗∗11∗ (Rotary type).
- No.3 It supported about MECHATROLINK-II Communications References Sigma-7S (SGD7S-∗∗∗∗10∗) SERVOPACK (Linear type).
- No.4 The servo parameter of Sigma-5-mini was added.
- No.5 Communication manager was corrected not to freeze by a gateway connection.
- No.6 The functional improvements of MPE720 Ver7.34 were adapted to MPE720 Ver6.39.
Ver. 6.37→ Ver. 6.38 |
2015/02/26 |

Add function
- No.1 TheΣ-7 Series (SGD7S-****10*, SGD7S-****20*, SGD7W-****20*)was added to the slave devices that can be assigned to motioncontrol module (SVB, SVC).
Ver. 6.36→ Ver. 6.37 |
2014/02/25 |

Add function
- No.1 The Σ-V-MD Series (SGDV-MDA02) of 8-axis driving model was added to the slave devices that can be assigned to motion control module SVC.
- No.2 267IF-01 (CC-Link Master) module was added.
- No.3 “Non FD” was added to the setting item of the transmission protocol of 217IF-01 module.
Ver. 6.35→ Ver. 6.36 |
2013/10/15 |

Add function
- No.1 The MECHATROLINK-III Communications Reference Σ-V Series For Use with Large-Capacity Models (SGDV-∗∗∗∗2∗∗(Over22kW)) was added.
- No.2 The MECHATROLINK-III INVERTER (1000 Series INVERTER) was added.
- No.3 The mode 4 of the ACCMODE instruction is supported.
- No.4 Improvement of Conversion of CP ladder.
Ver. 6.34→ Ver. 6.35 |
2013/02/13 |
Added function
Ver. 6.33 → Ver. 6.34 |
2012/07/20 |
Added function
- No.1 The Large-Capacity (Over 22 kW) Σ-V servo is supported
- No.2 The Σ-V servo of the software version 0x0028 is supported
- No.3 A 266IF-02 (PROFINET-S) module is supported as option module.
Ver. 6.31 → Ver. 6.33 |
2012/07/05 |
Added function
- No.1 Adding the servo of Σ-Vmini series
- No.2 Support 266IF-01(PROFINET-M)
- No.3 Support MPCUNET-01(CUnet)
- No.4 Add function on AFMP01(ANYWIRE)
- No.5 Support SGDV0023
- No.6 Improvement process when ID-READ is issued
- No.7 Starting of Engineering Manager
- No.8 Column search (lateral direction)
- No.9 Maximum value of Positioning Completed Width
- No.10 Backlash compensation amount of SVR
- No.11 Transfer Global variable
- No.12 Data size of 218IFC's I/O message communication
- No.13 262IF detail definition
- No.14 Variable tree
- No.15 Improvement of the display of the Tuning Panel
- No.16 About the restriction matter when using MPE720 Ver.6 in Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Ver. 6.30 → Ver. 6.31 |
2011/06/24 |
Added function
- No.1 Automatic setting of Online Security
- No.2 Frame size of MPE720 Ver.6
- No.3 Electric gear ratio of linear motor
- No.4 Motion command assist of motion editor
- No.5 Maximum number of programs with cross handles
- No.6 Hard disk space for transferring project file
- No.7 Speed unit selection of PO-01 module
- No.8 Reading dialog of servopack parameters
- No.9 Current value monitor with MSEE block
- No.10 Expression with comments only
- No.11 Force operation to coil when project link
- No.12 Save and compile motion program
- No.13 C language import & transfer
Ver. 6.26 → Ver. 6.30 |
2010/11/05 |
Added function
- No.1 Supports Windows7
- No.2 Supports TOYOPUC protocol
- No.3 Supports 1000 series inverter
- No.4 Integrates DriveWizardPlus
- No.5 Integrates IOWin
- No.6 Improvement of backlash compensation amount of SGDV
- No.7 Improvement of linear motor of wildcard servo
- No.8 Improvement of CFUNC instruction of motion program
- No.9 Improvement of limitation of tuning panel
- No.10 Improvement of Logon error of CF card transfer
- No.11 Improvement of import/export of comment list
- No.12 Corrects translation of trace import
- No.13 Improvement of register check of 218IFA/218IFC
- No.14 Improvement of end of applications started from my tool
- No.15 Improvement of selecting folder of CF card transfer
- No.16 Improvement of definition of M-EXECUTOR
Bug fix
- No.17 Improvement of communication of MPU-01 on Multi Core CPU
Ver. 6.25 → Ver. 6.26 |
2010/07/20 |
Added module
- No.1 Supports the Distributed I/O of the MECHATROLINK-III
- No.2 Supports the variable of MECHATROLINK-III Distributed I/O
- No.3 Support of Import or Export of a CSV format file in structure definition
- No.4 Improvement of cursor movement operation after rung inserting
- No.5 Improvement of the Automatic Allocation of Register Address
- No.6 Improvement of Command Input Assistant Function in comment sentence
- No.7 Improvement of displaying program screen from double-clicking with output window
- No.8 Improvement of checking for duplication when more than 128 structure members are registered
- No.9 Memory liberating at copy & paste of ladder parallel circuits
- No.10 Improvement of index of D registers in motion program
- No.11 Improvement of deletion behavior of program from ladder tree window
- No.12 Improvement of display of title of retrieval result of Cross Reference
- No.13 Improvement of overlapped menu access key
- No.14 Improvement of comment setting in register area of MPU-01
- No.15 Automatic setting of the program name of D register registered in the Tuning Panel when program copy & paste
- No.16 Variable processing speed-up
- No.17 Improvement of reading/writing attribute display of Cross Reference result
- No.18 Improvement of cursor movement with 'Enter' from two or more empty branches
- No.19 Improvement of start of servo tuning function from the Axis Setup wizard
- No.20 Improvement of checking of LONG type value range excess in EXPRESSION
- No.21 Improvement of "Default" behavior of port setting in Communication Manager
- No.22 Improvement of register comment display and input in the Watch
Ver. 6.24 → Ver. 6.25 |
2010/02/16 |
Added function
- No.1 Support of sorting of user structure
- No.2 Support of sorting of variable
- No.3 Support of automatic setting of register to "Search in Project" and "Replace in Project"
- No.4 Support of automatic setting of program to "register list" and "watch"
- No.5 Improvement of response that opens ladder program
- No.6 Display of alert message when servopack parameter is read
- No.7 Improvement of non-display setting of alert message when motion command is changed
- No.8 Improvement of message of controller's memory shortage
- No.9 Improvement of display of message of comparison result of project file and controller
- No.10 Improvement of cursor movement of ladder property screen
- No.11 Improvement of check outside register range on variable definition screen
- No.12 Improvement of check outside register range of IO message communication
- No.13 Improvement of MPE720 end after Esc key is input
- No.14 Improvement of MPE720 end after F5 key is input
Ver. 6.22 → Ver. 6.23 |
2009/08/06 |
Added function
- No.1 Supports the MPU-01
- No.2 Supports the 264IF-01 communication module
- No.3 Supports the connection with Beckhoff I/O in EtherNet/IP
- No.4 Adds the Multi-turn Limit Setting Function
- No.5 Support of yellow display on register map
- No.6 Setting of register address automatically allocated to variable
- No.7 Comment edit of motion register
- No.8 Operation improvement when communication process starts
Ver. 6.21 → Ver. 6.22 |
2009/06/04 |
Added function
- No.1 Support the CPU-04 in MP2200
- No.2 Supports the JEPMC-MTD2310- E as distributed IO module for MECHATROLINK-III
- No.3 The 218IF-02 supports the protocol for MELSEC Q series controller.
- No.4 The 218IF-02 supports the FINS protocol for OMRON PLC.
- No.5 Support the new trace (Real-Time Trace)
- No.6 Add the mode to select single or multi receive buffer in 218IF-02
- No.7 Improvement of cancellation of transfer of D register
- No.8 Improvement of V mark display in ladder parallel circuit making
- No.9 Improvement of current value display of tuning panel
- No.10 Improvement when axis variable tree in variable window is displayed
- No.11 Improvement of transfer of table definition
- No.12 Improvement of compilation of ladder program
- No.13 Improvement of transfer of project data of MP2100
- No.14 Improvement of import of SVC motion parameter
Ver. 6.23 → Ver. 6.24 |
2009/12/09 |
Added function
- No.1 Supports the MP2101, MP2101T, MP2101M and MP2101TM
- No.2 Supports the 265IF-01 communication module
- No.3 Supports the wild-card device in MECHATROLINK-III
- No.4 Supports the IO2920 in MECHATROLINK-II
- No.5 Supports the reset function of the window layout
- No.6 Displays the confirmation message before the project file is closed
- No.7 Improvement of automatic display of the motion command assist
- No.8 Improvement of saving to flash before disconnecting the controller
- No.9 Improvement of saving the project password
- No.10 Improvement of displaying of present value of ladder program that displays a lot of steps on one screen
- No.11 Improvement of reading of trace data of trace manager
- No.12 Improvement of displaying the instruction list of the ladder program at the position of the mouse point
- No.13 Improvement of displaying of member variable of structure with large size
- No.14 Improvement of starting from menu of cross reference, multiple coils and force coil list
- No.15 Improvement of input of watchdog timeout value of 264IF-01
- No.16 Improvement of displaying of No47 servo driver user monitor information on SVC-01 monitor parameter
Bug fix
- No.17 Fix the problem that register comment is not displayed in the ladder program
- No.18 Fix the problem crashing system of MPE720 while editing the ladder program
Ver. 6.22 → Ver. 6.23 |
2009/08/06 |
Added function
- No.1 Supports the MPU-01
- No.2 Supports the 264IF-01 communication module
- No.3 Supports the connection with Beckhoff I/O in EtherNet/IP
- No.4 Adds the Multi-turn Limit Setting Function
- No.5 Support of yellow display on register map
- No.6 Setting of register address automatically allocated to variable
- No.7 Comment edit of motion register
- No.8 Operation improvement when communication process starts
Ver. 6.21 → Ver. 6.22 |
2009/06/04 |
Added function
- No.1 Support the CPU-04 in MP2200
- No.2 Supports the JEPMC-MTD2310- E as distributed IO module for MECHATROLINK-III
- No.3 The 218IF-02 supports the protocol for MELSEC Q series controller.
- No.4 The 218IF-02 supports the FINS protocol for OMRON PLC.
- No.5 Support the new trace (Real-Time Trace)
- No.6 Add the mode to select single or multi receive buffer in 218IF-02
- No.7 Improvement of cancellation of transfer of D register
- No.8 Improvement of V mark display in ladder parallel circuit making
- No.9 Improvement of current value display of tuning panel
- No.10 Improvement when axis variable tree in variable window is displayed
- No.11 Improvement of transfer of table definition
- No.12 Improvement of compilation of ladder program
- No.13 Improvement of transfer of project data of MP2100
- No.14 Improvement of import of SVC motion parameter
Ver. 6.20 → Ver. 6.21 |
2009/02/13 |
Added function
- No.1 Supports the synchronous slave function in MP2100M
Added module
- No.2 Supports the JAMSC-IO2950 as distributed IO module for MECHATROLINK
Added function
- No.3 Add the some setting and monitor parameters in SVC-01
- No.4 Add the servopack parameter in JUNMA
- No.5 Add the function that automatically saves to the flash after compiling the program
- No.6 Add the mode to select single or multi receive buffer in 218IFA
- No.7 Improve the data type of the servopack parameter for Sigma-V
- No.8 Improve to print the EXPRESSION ladder program
- No.9 Improve to show the member of user's structure
Ver. 6.10 → Ver. 6.20 |
2008/12/09 |
Added function
- No.1 Support the CPU-03 in MP2200
Added module
- No.2 Support the master module (SVC01) for MECHATROLINK-III
Added function
- No.3 Support the protocol for MELSEC Q series controller
- No.4 Support the FINS protocol for OMRON PLC
- No.5 Index register (I and J) in the function ladder
- No.6 Printing the ladder program that there are a lot of steps in one rung
- No.7 Printing the outside line of ladder commands
- No.8 Create new motion program from My Tool
- No.9 Check the number of groups in group definition
- No.10 Show the type of IDM SERVOPACK in the axis configuration tree
- No.11 Show the alarms of 256 axes on the alarm monitor window
- No.12 Check the number of motion module in the module configuration
- No.13 Allocate the motion program task after saving the M-EXECUTOR data
- No.14 Prohibition of flash executing motion program
- No.15 Write the executed sequence program
- No.16 The flash is executed while CPU is RUN
Ver. 6.08 → Ver. 6.10 |
2008/09/18 |
Added function
- No.1 Support the sequence program and M-EXECUTOR in MP2100/MP2100M (MP2500/MP2500M)
Added module
- No.2 Support the I/O module (IO2900 and IO2910) for MECHATROLINK
Added function
- No.3 Renewal the "Motion Editor"
- No.4 Renewal the "Drive Control Panel"
- No.5 Support the "SigmaWin+" via MP controller
- No.6 Support the "Axis setup wizard"
- No.7 Support the "XY-Trace"
- No.8 Renewal the "Tuning Panel"
- No.9 Support the "My Tool"
- No.10 The member name in MSEE structure is renamed
- No.11 Update compatible of YMW project file
- No.12 Support to one-line comment instruction in motion program
- No.13 Transfer all data to controller
- No.14 Detection of the PFORK nest error
- No.15 Improvement of motion program PFORK-SFORK saving
- No.16 Improvement of check processing of the module configuration
- No.17 Improvement of M-EXECUTOR definition saving
- No.18 Improvement of register range check when module is changed
- No.19 Improvement of CNTR-01 print
- No.20 Improvement of current step in PFORK at debugging mode
- No.21 Improvement of preservation of the SERVOPACK parameter backup file
- No.22 Improvement of ladder display update
- No.23 Improvement of acquisition of current value of SERVOPACK
- No.24 Improvement of motion program saving
- No.25 Improvement when motion program single quote is used
Ver. 6.07 → Ver. 6.08 |
2008/05/30 |
Added module
- No.1 Support to 263IF-01 module
- No.2 Support to IDM servo
- No.3 Addition of "Absolute Encoder Reset Completed"
Added function
- No.4 The MPE720 installer is downloaded from the e-Mechatoronics.com
- No.5 SVA fixed parameter addition
- No.6 Change in current value row attribute of I/O module
- No.7 SVB monitor parameter addition
- No.8 It connects it with the controller immediately after the start of the MPE720
- No.9 When the comment is displayed, the most significant comment is displayed
- No.10 The branch edits it in the edit mode on the ladder screen
- No.11 It two or more deletes it by the Watch sabwindow
- No.12 In the watch sabwindow, the operation of drag & drop of the register is changed from "Copy" to "Movement"
- No.13 Operation of drag & drop from ladder element instruction
- No.14 In the watch sabwindow, the input function of a consecutive address
- No.15 In the watch sabwindow, the row order is replaced
- No.16 Pop-up menu Addition of watch sabwindow
- No.17 The number of maximum registration of member variables of the User structure is changed
- No.18 It becomes an error if the MPE720 Ver.6 is started and it doesn't start
- No.19 The Import and the Export of the comment on the variable cannot be done
- No.20 The display of the tree item remains in each sabwindow when logoffging the MPE720 Ver.6
Bug fix
- No.21 It is trouble that display of color of register list shifts
- No.22 Bug fix of index operation of motion program
- No.23 Spelling error of each parameter
- No.24 The unit display of the monitor parameter was corrected
Ver. 6.06 → Ver. 6.07 |
2008/01/24 |
Bug fix
- No.1 Bug which using one-byte katakana in the motion program comment
- No.2 Bug of Input/ Output disable operation of I/O message communication
- No.3 Spelling error
- No.4 Bug of unit of display of SVB linear type for MP2310/ MP2300S/ MP2400
- No.5 Bug of the fixed parameter input range
- No.6 It is possible to set the size which exceeds the range of the enable allocation of 260IF
Ver. 6.05 → Ver. 6.06 |
2007/11/21 |
Added function
Added module
- No.2 Support to LIO-06 module
- No.3 Support to 262IF-01 module
Added function
- No.4 Supporting of IO variable (LIO-06/ 262IF-01)
- No.5 Export/ import of register data
- No.6 Add the index function to motion program
- No.7 Add the "default" branch of SFORK instruction
- No.8 Easy start of tuning panel
- No.9 History of the Start Window can be deleted
- No.10 Update the version of MP2100 driver
- No.11 Improvement of project file
- No.12 Improvement of transfer rate
- No.13 The combo list size for select the motion command was changed
- No.14 Improvement of allocation of user structure
- No.15 Comparison by off-line of table data
- No.16 Occurrence at scan time over
- No.17 Improvement of motion program saving error
- No.18 Improvement of password change while opened program
- No.19 Improvement of program illegal name when transfer
- No.20 Improvement of open Adobe Reader version 8 from MPE720 Version 6
- No.21 Memory leak in monitor of D register
- No.22 Improvement of Conversion from CP Ladder to New Ladder
- No.23 Improvement which Choon "ー" is Compiled
- No.24 Cut in at the middle of the circuit when ladder program was printed
- No.25 Improvement of reflect the setting value in C register by transfer of constant variable
- No.26 Bug of save operation that detailed definition of CNTR-01 module
- No.27 Bug of input of hexadecimal number in the motion program
- No.28 Bug of block number when ON/OFF is used in the conditional expression
- No.29 Width enhancing of grid of motion error list
- No.30 Trouble of print
Bug fix
- No.31 Freezing by printing of the ladder program of 25 parallels of coil
- No.32 The current value of all ladders was displayed without shifting
Ver. 6.04 → Ver. 6.05 |
2007/05/23 |
Added function
- No.1 SGDV Servo Amplifier selection added to Module Configuration
- No.2 Motion parameter addition
- No.3 MNET-01 Module addition
- No.4 "Phase Reference" command invalidation for MP2400
- No.5 Communication Port for MPE720 Lite
- No.6 Parameter "Pn000" for "SJDE-∗∗AN∗"
- No.7 Group definition of sequence program
- No.8 Prohibit duplicated register assignment in the User Structure
- No.9 Test Run function for Inverter
- No.10 Program can be renamed in the program properties
- No.11 Modification of display for CNTR-01 module
- No.12 Eliminate the Error Dialog "CpPnlStatus Error"
- No.13 Detailed display in the SERVOPACK parameter screen
- No.14 Modification for 218IFA module definition with the non-protocol
- No.15 Modification of C-language property
- No.16 Modification of Motion Assist function (ASCII)
- No.17 Compare function for user structure
Ver. 6.03 → Ver. 6.04 |
2007/03/02 |
Added function
- No.1 Controller model (MP2310・MP2300S・MP2400) Addition
- No.2 PC-LINK module addition
- No.3 AFMP-02-C module addition
- No.4 218IF-02 module addition
- No.5 Automatic logical port setting to Communication process
- No.6 Controller retrieval by 218IF-02
- No.7 New motion instruction addition (ASCII/ SSEE/ FUNC/ C-TSK/ C-FUNC)
- No.8 For sequence program
- No.9 Motion program instruction input support
- No.10 Motion program instruction input support (Servo On / Servo Off)
- No.11 Motion program instruction input support (Alarm Clear)
- No.12 Driving control panel
- No.13 Addition of program execution registration screen
- No.14 Set parameter addition
- No.15 The motion alarm analysis screen is added
- No.16 System window addition
- No.17 Test run (Servo On (Off) /JOG /STEP /Alarm)
- No.18 Axis monitor
- No.19 Alarm monitor
- No.20 Compile option setting from environment setting
- No.21 Trouble shooting function
Bug fix
- No.22 Change of name of variable in contradiction to rule
- No.23 It makes an error when the MAL file made with Ver.5 is converted with Ver.6
- No.24 Trouble that B and W register become unused treatments because of display of map of register list used by ladder application
- No.25 When the MAL file made with Ver.5 is converted with Ver.6, the comment on the IO variable is not converted
Ver. 6.02 → Ver. 6.03 |
2006/08/30 |
Added module
- No.1 JAPMC-CM2380 (PCLINK-01 Module)
- No.2 AFMP-02 (CC-LINK/ANYWIRE Module)
- No.3 MPALL00-0, MPAL000-0, MPAN000-0 Module
Added servo
- No.4 SJDE-∗∗AN∗servo addition (JUNMA-MII)
Added function
- No.5 Motion command addition
- Absolute encoder reset
- No.6 Motion parameter addition
- Communication reset (Owxx00: Bit14)
- Gain switch2 (Owxx01: Bit5)
- Latch detection demand completion (Iwxx00: Bit4)
- No.7 Correspondence to high-resolution of SVR
- No.8 CP Ladder converter
- No.9 User structure of variable
- No.10 Import and export of variable
- No.11 Print manager addition to launcher
- No.12 The license agreement on install screen
- No.13 USB Driver update
- No.14 Improvement of print function
- No.15 Improvement of the arrangement of MECHATROLINK definition
- No.16 Improvement of English messages during installation
- No.17 Improvement of naming error of the read-only attributed project
- No.18 Improvement of the error message due to the screen saver
- No.19 Improvement of the print function about [print error]
- No.20 Improvement of the print function about the display of unusable function
- No.21 Improvement of transfer error which Module configuration file that supported new module
- No.22 Improvement the message displayed when close read-only project
- No.23 Improvement of ON/OFF control of IME Auto Switching
- No.24 Function improvement in branch block
- No.25 Improvement of the packet writing function
Bug fix
- No.26 Modification of the display of auto-complete function of ladder
Ver. 6.01 → Ver. 6.02 |
2006/06/30 |
Change specification
- No.1 Change of specification of system work (D register) in Ladder Editor
Add function
- No.2 Support of C language program
- No.3 Add the register jump function of comment list
- No.4 Additional function of search/ replace of comment list
- No.5 Display the current value/ maximum value of scan time
- No.6 Add the function of "save as a new project"
- No.7 Import/ Export function of motion parameter
- No.8 Function of disagreement data display of current value < - > setting of servopack parameter
- No.9 Add C register use enable function in register list
- No.10 Add the print function of program call (FUNC/ MSEE) in print manager
- No.11 Function of display list of forced coil list
- No.12 New support of transfer medium
- No.13 Transfer function of comment
- No.14 Function of detail compare of ladder program/ motion program
- No.15 Add transfer function to Environment Setting
- No.16 Variable function: Support of variable to all I/O module
- No.17 Automatic creation of axis variable of SVB/ SVA/ PO/ SVR/ MECHATROLINK-II inverter
- No.18 Function of trace registration from variable window
- No.19 Management of read/ write of comment data
- No.20 Communication Process: Extension of the number which simultaneously allocated by the serial port
- No.21 Communication Process: Extended COM port number
- No.22 Support ∗∗∗∗SERVO as MECHATROLINK module
- No.23 Communication Process: Support Gateway function
Bug fix
- No.24 Bug of the error occurring which the Expression instruction of the ladder program
- No.25 Bug of the error which restart the project file after shut down
- No.26 Bug of the error which register/ variable registered in the watch
- No.27 Bug of alarm registration of axis variable alarm
- No.28 Bug of the error which save project
- No.29 Bug of Undo processing of comment
- No.30 Check function of Motion program saving size
- No.31 Malfunction of ladder operation when use the register with subscript in the Expression instruction
- No.32 Unusable "Compile to version 5 compatible" before version 5.34
- No.33 Bug of the error of "Compile to version 5 compatible"
- No.34 Transfer error of servopack parameter of 16th axis
- No.35 Bug of transfer at Electronic CamTool
- No.36 Number of drawing of CP ladder program
- No.37 Conventional ladder was changed to CP ladder
- No.38 Enable to relay connection through MPLINK of 215AIF-01
- No.39 Improvement of status of use in register map
- No.40 Error in track point central button of IBM ThinkPad
- No.41 Change error message in miscompare of FLASH comparison
- No.42 Display of confirmation message when all comment list is cleared
- No.43 Saving the status of tree/ data format when compiling the watch
- No.44 Impossibility of one-byte kana in the logical axis name of group definition